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AAR "The Final Push"


23 July 1989, 1400hrs, Bad Windsheim, Germany
After the successful linkup of the 7th East-German Panzer Division and the 39th Soviet Motorized Rifle Division, it became a question of when would the 39th Motorized Rifle Division start it's lunge towards Nürnberg. Recon informed NATO that the 39th Motorized Rifle Division was reorganizing its forces. It was assumed that this meant that NATO could expect an attack towards the city from the west along with a pincer movement from the south by the Czechoslovakian forces eventually linking up with the Soviets. This would not only isolate Nürnberg but also pocket a substantial number of NATO forces.

I play PACT for this scenario. After having finished 2 single player scenarios and a few online scenarios (in the previous title) a few years ago, i felt rusty but ready to take on NATO.


Stardekk (of SD2 fame) would take control over the NATO forces. He is a capable RTS player, has historical knowledge of all the equipment and – just like me – only some experience with Flashpoints single player campaign.

1400 Battle Plan

After reviewing all participating units. Takeaway:

  • PACT has numerical superiority
  • PACT has better artillery
  • PACT has the air advantage
  • NATO tanks are superior at all distances and have superior recon
  • NATO recon elements (Bradleys) can cause troubles against open targets & convoys
  • PACT Hinds can take out the heavy tanks at range equal to NATO SHORAD (Stingers)

Given the terrain and the nature of my force disposition - two attached artillery companies - i decided on a simple ONE-TWO phased plan that could leverage the artillery and the tank force.

Phase ONE

First goal would be taking 3 VP with minimal casualties - cleaning out NATO forward formations. If PACT moves fast this should be a clear numbers game. Tanks & Hinds would pincer and provide fire support for the infantry from ranges outside of dragoon ATGMs.

My mechanized companies would move SOUTH, establishing defensive positions in the forest and trying to make contact with possible NATO forward elements. Tanks would continue SOUTH as well, preparing for an eventual push along the covered train lines. I earmarked reinforcements for a diversion in the NORTH. To draw out NATO tanks from fortified positions - revealing them in the open to the artillery positions.

Phase TWO

Phase TWO goal was simple. Locate the majority of NATO tanks and call in artillery & air strikes. Preparing for a brutal tank assault at close ranges. In an open terrain fight, NATO tanks would demolish my T80s at range due to better fire control systems and sights. Bringing the fight closer (ideally 800-1500m) would at least allow me to leverage numbers and firepower.

Last words

I expected a speedy execution of the first goal, followed by a slow down until sufficient PACT troops are in position for a concentrated strike. I expected most of my damage to be done by artillery and airstrikes.


TIME 1420

Execution of phase ONE was easy. Stardekk must have come to the same conclusion as myself: The forward NATO VPs are indefensible. NORTH Recon met a Bradley in CQB, which was quickly disposed with RPG and helo support. SOUTH recon spotted NATO scouts, which sneakily retreated into the woods.


TIME 1446

Phase ONE concluded. SOUTH mechanized suffered heavy losses from M1A1 fire while traveling to and trough Marktbergel. At this point it was clear that Stardekk had set up a good killing field on the SOUTHERN plains between Burgbernheim and Martkbergel.

Phase TWO started with heavy artillery barrages against the M1A1 positions.


TIME 1509

Artillery kept firing non-stop. Lost 2 hinds to stingers. Infantry moved NORTH without contacts. Having eliminated Stardekks NORTHERN recon element in the opening phase, i was a bit confident that moving into the NORTHERN flank was on the table. Having seen some M1A1 and assuming that Stardekk might have spotted ALL my tanks in the SOUTH i allocated additional forces to NORTH.


TIME 1536

Lacking recon and intel on enemy locations, i moved my artillery forwards to more tubes in range of the full NATO frontline. To increase my recon i placed my ground radar emitters a bit more offensively and moved a RECON HQ forward to make contact.

The combat so far went... strategically in my favour . My forces would move in and absolutely take horrible losses while waiting for artillery to pummel the opponent into submission. A typical fire mission against a M1A1 platoon would consist of 90-120 rounds of 122mm HE from 12-18 tubes. Usually arriving 5-10 minutes after spotting.

Due to artillery kills, the 3 PACT VPs and the early recon skirmishes, i was set up for victory. My biggest fear was a counter attack against the indefensible VPs and my lackluster ability to stop NATO heavy forces from pushing over the open.

I still had my ace in the sleeve. 2x SU-24 with an absurd amount of iron bombs ready for delivery.

TIME 1600

Sad. All my airstrikes failed due to Stardekk's units being concealed - he knew about my air assets and dodged my for 2 hours. 2x SU-24 had to return to base without dropping bombs. Artillery fire continued on units spotted by helos and my trusty BRDM recon units.

My forces take some minor mortar fire, which promptly was answered by 122mm HE.

TIME 1630

Crawling tanks and infantry along the covered railroad in the forest proved cumbersome and risky. Well placed NATO mechanized infantry outperformed my (already decimated, thanks M1A1) infantry. Some tanks where able to deliver good fire on the remaining M1A1 platoon.

In the NORTH, my infantry advanced into the tree lines. Now facing the VPs for NATO in the SOUTH. After all maneuvering, the NORTH flank sported around 30-40 BMP-1, good AA and recon elements. A push to the south did promise not only good access to the remaining NATO VPs but also a chance to lay destruction to Stardekks HQ and rear echolon forces. Additionally, i was heavily pushing SOUTH, so there was a good chance, remaining NATO tanks would race towards stabilizing the SOUTHERN frontline.

To seal the deal, i assigned the remaining attack Hinds to support the NORTHERN flank and spun up all the BMP1 engines. Two segments (NORTH/WEST and NORTH/EAST) of infantry would push into the backline at the same time. The focus being on the NORTH/WEST team because they potentially had access to the NATO HQs. Assault!

So far, the heavy losses of NATO put them close to route. A few good kills and victory would be mine.

TIME 1708

Stardekk had kept his cool AND his defensive posture. A full platoon of M1A1 had been in place, waiting for my assault. The NORTH/EAST infantry detachment was hauled as soon as they left the treelines. Do or die. The infantry dismounted and started moving towards the M1A1 platoon via the open ground. Paying for every meter with heavy losses 1/5 of the forces arrived in combat range. The detachment NORTH/EAST made progress, taking out a platoon of NATO mechanized and spotting some AT carrier APC.

There is no way to put this in a positive light. This wasn't a success. Having been giddy for that finishing blow, i took a risky gamble and it didn't pay off.

I split up the remaining, troops of NORTH/WEST detachment. Assigning the remaining 5 men of the 172th to a last assault against the bulwark NATO tanks on the covered hillside while the other group made a sprint towards a more defensible location of Ohrenbach.

Assuming the worst, i made the last order of this phase.


TIME 1715

Five of the six 2S1 Gvozdika platoons trained their guns on the M1A1 platoon that had just removed two full platoons of mechanized infantry and opened fire at the same time, not stopping until they burned through ALL ammunition.

NATO routed because they crossed the 70% casualty threshold or Stardekk forfeited.

Closing Remarks

The intense planning required for PACT forces to not suffer under the hands of deadly M1A1 made this scenario enjoyable. I had some luck with resupplying artillery in between moments where no NATO forces where spotted. Would have loved the SU-24 airstrikes on ANY NATO positions – i assume that weak(?) Nato SHORAD and strong PACT air control would have granted PACT some additional points.

Key learnings

Who would have guessed, charging mechanized over the open ground is indeed risky business. I definitely will try some recon + retreat for the next matches(s)